I briefly explain in what the Duhem-Quine Thesis is, and argue that it overcomes a major objection, involving assistance from Quine's explanatory virtues. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators 杜恒-蒯因论题(英語: Duhem–Quine thesis ),也有人认为应当称为“杜恒-纽拉特-蒯因”或“迪昂-纽拉特-奎因”论题(Duhem-Neurath-Quine Thesis),是一种科学整体论的观点。 Тезис Дюгема – Куайна - Duhem–Quine thesis Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии Четыре луны Юпитера, видимые в небольшой телескоп. Duhem-Quine práce, nazývaná také problém Duhem-Quine, po Pierre Duhem a Willard Van Orman Quine, je, že je nemožné testovat vědeckou hypotézu izolovaně, protože empirický test hypotézy vyžaduje jeden nebo více předpokladů pozadí ( nazývané také pomocné předpoklady nebo pomocné hypotézy). Duhem–Quine thesis Psychology Wiki The Duhem–Quine thesis (also called the Duhem–Quine problem, after Pierre for thinking that the theory tested is probably wrong if the empirical test fails. La tesis de Duhem-Quine (o, de forma más amplia, holismo confirmacional) establece que es imposible poner a prueba de forma aislada una hipótesis científica, porque un experimento empírico requiere asumir como ciertas una o más hipótesis auxiliares (también llamadas asunciones antecedentes - background assumptions).
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Secondo la tesi di Duhem-Quine non è possibile confrontare con l'esperienza singole ipotesi scientifiche, a una a una, ma solo intere teorie, cioè insiemi di ipotesi, olisticamente. La paternità di questa tesi è attribuita al fisico francese Pierre Duhem che la espose nella sua opera del 1906 La théorie physique: son object et sa structure . Duhem-Quine-avhandlingen hevder at ingen vitenskapelig hypotese i seg selv er i stand til å komme med spådommer. I stedet krever avspådommer fra hypotesen vanligvis bakgrunnsforutsetninger om at flere andre hypoteser er korrekte - at et eksperiment fungerer som forutsagt, eller at tidligere vitenskapelig teori er nøyaktig. Quine thought that this background involved not only such hypotheses but also our whole web of belief, which, among other things, includes our mathematical and logical theories and our scientific theories.
z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie. Čtyři měsíce Jupitera viděné malým dalekohledem.
Quine thought that this background involved not only such hypotheses but also our whole web of belief, which, among other things, includes our mathematical and logical theories and our scientific theories. This last claim is sometimes known as the Duhem–Quine thesis. Duhem–Quine-teesi on teoriaholistinen sikäli, että sen mukaan teorioiden joukko (eli teoria ja sen taustaoletukset) voidaan testata kokonaisuutena empiiristä todellisuutta vasten ja falsifioida tarvittaessa, Teesin mukaan on kuitenkin mahdotonta eristää yksittäinen hypoteesi tästä joukosta.
Duhem was also a historian of science, noted for his work on the European Middle Ages which is regarded as having created the field of the history of medieval science. As a philosopher of science , he is remembered principally for his views on the indeterminacy of experimental criteria (see Duhem-Quine thesis ).
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many of his theories on the topics of instrumentalism, how evidence does not certainly reject a theory (Duhem - Quine thesis) and the holistic view of science. 24 Jun 2020 Falsified statements, theses, theories are worthless for science as a of the underlying theory (see also paradigm and Duhem-Quine thesis ). התזה Duhem – Quine , הנקראת גם Duhem – Quine problem , על שם פייר דוהם ו וילארד ואן אורמן קווין , היא שאי אפשר לבדוק השערה מדעית בבידוד, מכיוון שמבחן אמפירי של 1 1 | Science and Pseudoscience; 2 2 | Rationality, Objectivity, and Values in Science; 3 3 | The Duhem-Quine Thesis and Underdetermination; 4 4 | Induction, 9 Jan 2018 it is possible for more than one theory to fit a single set of empirical data); (d) the Duhem-Quine thesis or idea of auxiliary assumptions (i.e., This insight is commonly referred to as the Duhem–Quine thesis in deference to its originator, Pierre Duhem, and most famous proponent, W.V.O. Quine. Following the Duhem–Quine thesis, Norwood Russell Hanson developed the concept of "theory-ladenness" of observation; observation does not constitute neutral La idea inicial procedente de Pierre Duhem la modificó W.V.O.
Duhem-Quine práce, nazývaná také problém Duhem-Quine, po Pierre Duhem a Willard Van Orman Quine, je, že je nemožné testovat vědeckou hypotézu izolovaně, protože empirický test hypotézy vyžaduje jeden nebo více předpokladů pozadí ( nazývané také pomocné předpoklady nebo pomocné hypotézy). Duhem–Quine thesis Psychology Wiki The Duhem–Quine thesis (also called the Duhem–Quine problem, after Pierre for thinking that the theory tested is probably wrong if the empirical test fails.
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Duhem – Quine-avhandling - Duhem–Quine thesis -
Duhem-Quine thesis the view associated with the French philosopher of science, Pierre Duhem (1861-1916), and the American logician, Willard Quine (1908-) that SCIENCE consists of a complex network of assumptions, concepts, hypotheses and theories which are appraised ‘as a whole’, with no possibility of individual propositions being appraised in isolation from our entire system of beliefs. Duhem – Quineova práce - Duhem–Quine thesis. z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie. Čtyři měsíce Jupitera viděné malým dalekohledem. Jejich pozorování Galileo Galilei podpořilo jeden svazek hypotéz o povaze sluneční soustavy, který papežské úřady popřely ve prospěch jiného svazku. Duhem Quine Thesis Wiki your order.